Composting and Gardening


I’ve been reading a lot about compost piles lately, and decided to take the plunge. There are several things about a compost heap that appeal to us at Ok2BeGreen.  It reduces waste, improves the environment and we hope can save money.

We are constantly looking to reduce our waste and one goal is no yard waste tossed into the garbage. We accomplished a lot of this in our series on mulching (click here) but we still have remaining materials. I also hate how much we push down the garbage disposal every day. We want to use this waste and not just toss things into the sewer system or garbage pail.

I found a great reference site that we used extensively in building our compost heap. The site is and describes the great environment benefits of a compost including fertilizing and saving of landfill space. I certainly recommend the articles for anyone serious about composting.

The first task at had is to find a location and build compost bin, and we must do this keeping a sharp eye on budget. I like an open compost area. With a grate framed by trees, it blends right into the yard. Very quick turnaround and easy maintenance, too!

Remember… no matter what you do… It’s OK2BeGreen!