
Take Delight in Backyard Birding

To say nature is superabundant falls short. Being a part of Mother Earth means you, as its being, should try to maintain the tune of harmony with other beings of nature. Birds are one such creatures with which we live with every day. When you resolve to mingle with the […]

Get Equipped for Backyard Birding

Nature is glorious! All living beings gave their own characteristics and traits that make them unique and beautiful. Nature is abundant and every living specie has innumerable classifications, types and categories that in all it’s vast and beyond imagination! Birds for example is a common term that encompasses a large […]

Clear Window Feeder

Sea Otters Emergency Help!

You may have read today that newly released survey data shows once again the California sea otter population is declining. The fact is, California’s sea otters are dying, and scientists need help to pinpoint the causes before it’s too late. A bill now before Congress, the Southern Sea Otter Recovery […]

Happy Earth Day!

I can’t believe it is already Earth Day. We are working on a lot or projects behind the scenes right now and we’ll have some pretty cool announcements.  Right now we are working on testing and installation of a Solar Powered Gable Fan. I can’t wait to share the details. […]

Green Candles

I love finding new and cool items that are green. I happen to know a great lady that makes her own green candles. I never realized that most candles are made from paraffin wax which is derived from petroleum. But something is just not right with that! The company is […]

FL vs CA

We make our home in S. Florida, and we have been working hard to make our lives a bit more green.  For the Christmas holiday, we traveled to California to visit family.  I grew up in California and certainly remember how advanced they are in respect to the environment.  Sure, […]